Good Evening...
Here's a little dose of creepy couture for your Halloween afraid, be very afraid...& don't blame me if you have nightmares!


images via:
Abigail Lane, Art Fashion and Him, Aver World, Creative Violence, Dans Papers, Doosan Magazine, Dusty Burrito, Front Row View, Future Editor of Vogue, Greyest Ghost, Hanna Beth, Harper's Bazaar, Identical Eye, Inside Covers, Kaya, Keltie Colleen, La Vie Macabre, Launching Squid, Little Girls Hairdos, Luxury Shares, My FDB, NY Mag, Saturn Satori, Searching For Style, Semidomesticated, Smashing Picture, Styleite, Urban 1972, Vogue, WUB, Where Wear in the City, We Love Aquaskye, Wicked Halo
Wasn't that ghoulishly ghastly?!
Well, goodnight my pretties...
sleep tight...don't let the bedbugs, or vampires bite...
Hrmm that i has weird, my comment got eaten. Anyway I wanted how to say that thiss nice how to know that someone else as well mentioned this as I had trouble finding the same info elsewhere. This was the first place that told me the answer. Thanks.
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I love this post! it's fantastic!!!